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You searched for: Tag: situations in life
    satinlady  64, Female, Florida, USA - 46 entries
Nov 2009
8:33 PM CST


��������� Misunderstanding can cause words to be said

�������� that will cut like a knife,

������� Things that should have never been spoken.

������� We have to learn that sometimes we have to

������� look at the situation ,then take a deep breath

���� so we can push on in life.

���� Now is the time that we should� I am sorry and

���� face the wrong that we have spoken,to over come

��� this obsticle that we have caused,so our lives can

�� prosper from this mistake and our lives can be happy

�� once again , then and only then� can we� get� our path back

� on track,and be happy in our life� once again.

����������������������������������������������� By:Hilda Butts


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